9 Things To Know Before You Start Your Own Mastermind
Want to start your own mastermind or accountability group? I’ve been a part of mastermind groups for years, and I’ve led them professionally for groups of like-minded leaders to help them level up in their leadership and work. Previously I wrote about what masterminds are and why they’re so important for taking your business to the next level. In this article, I want to dig into more detail around the nuts and bolts of creating your own mastermind group: how to start one, what to consider, and what traps to avoid.
Here are ten steps for creating and leading a mastermind, what to plan ahead for, and what to avoid.
1: First, decide how big you want your mastermind to be.
I host mini-masterminds with fellow entrepreneurs in groups of two, which I call “staff meetings” for young entrepreneurs. I’ve also hosted groups of 5 to 8 people in larger sessions following a more formal process. When it gets bigger than 8 people, I typically break us out into smaller sub-groups so that everyone has enough time to share their puzzles and journeys with the group. For the sake of this article, I’m going to focus on a group sweet size of 5-6 people, because it’s a size I highly recommend. More than 8 people, and scheduling becomes a nightmare; fewer than 4 people, and you don’t have enough people in the room to get at your puzzle or project with enough perspectives.
2: Create an intention and a goal.
The mastermind will serve a purpose; get clear on what it is. Is it to help grow, develop, and shape each other? To hold people accountable to hitting goals? To provide a space for smart feedback? For my masterminds, I often set a goal of honest, kind feedback for people to grow in community with each other. We meet for several months, at minimum, and we each do a deep dive into a puzzle or problem that we’re working on.
3: Invite the right people.
Make sure you have shared interests and you’re in a group of people at roughly the same growth area. It helps if you’re all looking at similar projects or businesses. For example, you might all be a product-based business, or perhaps you’re all leading companies. You might all be new parents or women in predominantly male-based fields. Decide on the criteria for the group and what you want the shared interests to be.
It's important to develop a criteria for the group so that you’re able to speak at a higher level of expertise about a particular topic. You don’t want everyone to look absolutely identical, but generally speaking, having a shared baseline is important.
4: Write a call for requests.
Write out a description of the type of person you’re looking for. Also know what kind of people you don’t want in your group. For example, you might be a consultant who is regularly making low six-figure business income, and you want to scale up to high-six figures or hit the seven-figure mark. It might not make sense to invite someone who is a brand-new entrepreneur or works in a corporate job, for instance. Their expertise will be elsewhere.
It’s critical to get the right people in the room, because they’re going to be giving you feedback on your most important projects and ideas. This is a further reason to create a solid group of people whose feedback you seek out. In fact, unsolicited feedback at the wrong time can really sink a project or make you question something when it's not the right time to be questioning. Call it a mastermind group, a personal advisory board, or a set of trusted friendships—developing a circle of thoughtful leaders around you is key to accelerating your personal and professional growth.
Write out a “job description” for the type of people you’re looking for, and circle it with the kind of people you’d like to join, and begin inviting folks to chat with you about what a mastermind could look like.
5: Set a start date and an end date.
Many peer-led groups fizzle out because there’s no clear end date. I find at least 6 months is good, and doing a series for 12 months (and then stopping) works well. Be clear about both the start date and the end date.
6: Commit to a regular, recurring frequency.
I find a lot of success with meeting every other week. Every week can be hard to schedule into an already-full calendar. Alternatively, once a month can be a good rhythm for longer-running masterminds. To save scheduling headache, try to pick a recurring time rather than a new time every month.
7: Decide on the technology and structure in advance.
How will you meet? Decide it it’s phone calls, video calls, or what, and stick to it. I have a Zoom account I use and I set up a recurring calendar invitation with a link to the room for everyone to join.
For the structure, we use “Rose, Bud, Thorn” and give everyone 15 minutes to chat about their progress or a specific puzzle they want to work through. A ‘rose’ is something that’s going really well, a ‘bud’ is something on the horizon, and a ‘thorn’ is something that’s not working well.
8: Require attendance at a high level.
Masterminds often fail when people don’t show up or repeatedly miss meetings. For this reason, many groups have an attendance policy: miss more than 2 meetings, or attend fewer than 80% of the meetings, and you’re automatically out. It’s strict, but worth it. It shows that you’re taking the work seriously, and you’re taking yourself seriously.
Organizing, managing, and leading a group is an investment—but it can payoff well. Know that the person organizing it is doing a lot of work—but it’s worth it. Facilitating and managing the organization of any group is a fair amount of work. Know that if you’re starting the group, you’ll probably put in a lot more energy and time corralling and organizing everyone (as well as the design of the process), and that the benefit will be worth it.
9: Allow it to iterate.
It might take a few rounds to really get into a rhythm. People may come and go—I’ve started with a group of four, built to six, and then had one person take leave for personal reasons. It can ebb and flow until the right mix comes along. You’ll know within a few months if it’s working, and if it’s not, scrap it and try again.
And if it doesn't work, consider a paid mastermind group.
Many people realize that paid masterminds offer value beyond what they can construct themselves. The network effect of tapping into a group that’s already well-connected can have a huge rate of return: what’s the value of joining a group that introduces you to your next agent, client, or partnership? Your time and energy might be better spent paying someone else to organize it rather than trying to bring everyone together, depending on where you are in your life and business.
Erin Kelly, co-founder of Member Vault (a company she started pregnant on the road in a trailer with her partner) said that masterminds have been instrumental in her business, especially because she spent so much time on the road. “The biggest thing for me was participating in a paid Mastermind full of women that stretched me — I stayed connected throughout the week with them through Slack, and we have biweekly calls and in-person retreats. The connections I’ve made there directly have been huge and they have then rippled into their own networks. Having a place to show up, and be accountable with people you respect is crucial to avoid the PJs covered in crumbs downfall of working from home!”
If the price of a paid program is beyond you, however, especially in the early days of your startup, then use the tools in this article to build your own group with your elbow grease, your current network and a bit of grit.
The structure is all here for you to steal (like an artist). It’ll be worth it.